Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We are back! and chili is on the stove peeps.

Ok ladies and gents, after a long hiatus of craziness and no time to cook, there has been a need for some cooking contributions to the world wide web. SO HERE WE GO!

First things first. CHILI!

I first give the credit of this recipe to the book Killer Chili
This recipe comes from a restaurant called Gourmet Café in Glen Falls, New York.

This Chili has black beans, great northern beans, and a lot of flavor. The best part is that it uses stout to give it a rich depth that most chilies are lacking due to the overpowering tomatoes. This chili however can be made vegetarian or even healthier with ground turkey (what I use). I recommend using canned beans as it is MUCH easier, takes less time, less expensive in that it doesn't take up hours of your time, and tastes almost exactly the same. I have to halve this recipe because I don't have a big enough pot, but half is still plenty to feed a family of 6 or 7.
I like to put the extra in tupperware and place this in the freezer and thaw in the fridge each week I want chili. I have been pondering how to make this recipe better but I cant think of anything. if you have any suggestions, let me know! I want to make this recipe into the world best chili!

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