So I have had a request for how to cook salmon so it isn't dry and chewy. I could post a few recipes but i think the best way to tackle this dilemma is to give a few points and rules of thumb to have a delicious salmon dinner.

Choosing the salmon you buy-know your local seafood market (I only buy at Biggs)
-ask about the fish (when it came in, if it was frozen, if it was wild caught, does it have coloring added to it)
-don't buy frozen or thawed (Go Fresh or Go Home!)
-don't buy artificially colored (will say color added)
-buy wild when you can (the more color the better)
-look for fat (salmon is a fatty fish and the fat is good! It is good for you and keeps your fish from drying out while cooking) the fat should be evenly marbled throughout the fish.

Marinate-By marinating the fish, you are opening up the meat of the fish and giving it more moisture. This way you also don't have to put as much sauce or seasoning on it.
Sear or grill quickly (use a higher heat and grill with the skin ON!) the skin becomes crispy and tastes delicious! if you don't like it, it is easily removed after cooking.
-If you are baking it, use some sort of covering to prevent drying out (foil) and use an oil to prevent the top from drying (butter, olive oil, or cooking spray)
-DON'T COOK TOO LONG!!!! salmon is best when seared on theoutside and cooked just untill it flakes. Make sure the inside is opaque with a fork and it is done. If you have and instant read thermometer, it should read 145º Fahrenheit.
4. Give the salmon some time to rest. Set it on the table and then gather your guests. This gives the salmon enough tim too cook down and absorb the juices. Dont let it get cold though!

Some cooking suggestions:
-cook on a cedar plank (gives flavor, distributes heat, and makes clean up easy!)
-soy sauce and honey marinate (all you need!)
-citrus goes well (make a orange mango chutney or throw some lime salsa on top)
-combine ingredients (vegetables like squash or peppers on the grill with your salmon!)
-easy on the extra fats (if you buy the right salmon (when it is in season and fresh) you don't need a lot of extra butter or oil to cook. maybe just a brush or two to prevent sticking)
- Smoking the salmon is a great way to have a nice cold lunch! a barrel smoker, some hickory or apple wood chunks and some time will give you some moist, tender, smokey salmon that is great on crackers!
The salmon pictured above was caught fresh in Alaska. We asked a fisherman for some salmon and since they cant legally sell it to you right off the boat (regulations) he gave us 5 fillets that he cut right before our eyes of some AMAZING blood red salmon. We were so thankful we gave the man a "tip." we are win a cabin and it was Sunday so all we had in the house was some salt pepper, some oranges, and some cedar planks. I dressed them up, took them out to the grill and put an aluminum tent over them to keep the rain off them. Amazing what you can do with a few basic supplies and some really really fresh fish!